Thursday, May 31, 2012

Digital 9 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ______Digital Roll 9- Split Toning___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
To edit this photo we used split toning, highlighting the blue tones and yellow/brown tones. 

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
The lines in this photo are nice with the steps.  Also, the reflection of the trees on the water looks nice.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
This photograph evokes a very calm mood due to the calm water.  Also there is a warm feel due to the accented yellow tones.

I am happy with this photograph.  I feel like I could have added an extra element in the bare area of the water.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

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