Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photographs I like #5

Because Sam Abell spoke to us at our school, I was introduced to his photography.  The more I study his photographs, the more interested I am in his photography.  This photograph has multiple layers without any intersections.  The lighting is perfect, allowing the bucket to pop.  The movement in the middle layer adds an interesting element, while there are no distracting aspects. 

Photographs I like #4

Although this photo by Kevin Carter is so sad, it is one that attracts my eye.  First of all the fact that none of the major subjects in this picture intersect adds to the photo.  Also there are multiple layers with the small boy in the foregrounds.  This photo evokes so much emotion, specifically horrifying and sad.  In addition to the previous elements I mentioned, rule of thirds is also used in this picture.

Photographs I like #3

This photo of the Afghan girl is not only one of the most famous photographs ever, but one of my favorites as well.  Taken by Steve Mccurry, this photo is very simple yet evokes so much emotion.  One aspect I like are how vivid the girls eyes are.  It's as if she is telling a story with them.  Her expression reveals so much about her life.  Also, I like that Mccurry was able to make such a simple portrait so complex.

Photographs I like #2

This photograph was taken by Ansel Adams.  The elements in this picture that attract my eye are the contrast, the leading line and the intensity that the dodging and burning adds.  The clouds add emotion to this photo while the mountain underneath them are intense in contrast.  The river also contrasts the mountains and trees, really making it pop.

Photographs I like #1

This photograph really interests me because it is underwater.  I like the lines, along with the ancient feel to this photograph.  The picture is of the Titanic, and extraordinary technology was used to take the picture.  I like that the subject is highlighted by light while the rest of the photo is dark.  It adds emphasis to the subject.

Digital 8 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ______Digital Roll 8- Blue Toning___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The assignment for this photo was blue toning.  I slightly dodged the top half of the picture.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
There are leading lines in this photograph with the stairs.  In addition, there are lines with the railing, and horizontal lines on the stairs.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
This photograph has a mysterious feel to it because you don’t know where the lines lead to.

I am somewhat happy with this photograph.  I wish the stairs weren’t dead center, and I could’ve added another element.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

Digital 10 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ______Digital Roll 10- Studio Flash___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
On this photo, I used a lot of dodging and burning on photoshop.  I burned the table to make the pencils stand out more.  I also slightly burned the light blue pencil.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
The lines on the table in this picture are somewhat leading.  In addition, there are lines because of the pencils.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
This photograph has a fun feel to it.  Because of the colors of the pencils, it reminds me of childhood fun.

I am happy with this photograph.  I wasn’t at first until I dodged and burned it.  I would’ve liked for the light blue pencil to be slightly darker in the back, but it really stands out the way it is.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

Digital 9 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ______Digital Roll 9- Split Toning___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
To edit this photo we used split toning, highlighting the blue tones and yellow/brown tones. 

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
The lines in this photo are nice with the steps.  Also, the reflection of the trees on the water looks nice.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
This photograph evokes a very calm mood due to the calm water.  Also there is a warm feel due to the accented yellow tones.

I am happy with this photograph.  I feel like I could have added an extra element in the bare area of the water.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Digital 7 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ___Digitial Roll 7- Sepia Toning___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
Adding the sepia look to this photo plus the elderly man give this photograph an antique look.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
Rule of thirds was utilized in this photo with the man.  The antique feel of the downtown mall creates an interesting effect in the photograph.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
This photo creates a very calm mood with the aged look of the piece.

I like this picture because the subject is an older man, and the sepia toning created a unique look with the photo.
Other (Specify)
·         ?

Digital 6 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ___Digitial Roll 6- Hand Coloring___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The flower is clearly the center of interest, and stands out compared to the black and white background.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
The flower is in complete focus drawing the eye.  The bright pink color makes the center of interest pop.  Rule of thirds was also used in this photo.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
The picture has a dramatic look to it because of the bright color of the flower compared to the grey background.

I like this picture because of how much the flower pops.  It was very easy to create with photoshop, and has an interesting look.
Other (Specify)
·         ?

Film 11 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ___Film Roll 11- Carter’s Mountain___________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The dramatic side lighting creates good contrast in this photograph.  Although the subject is in the center of the photograph, I like that your eye is drawn there.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
A filter was used to create contrast between the shadow and the light.  The angle of the bottle creates a cool shape compared to the angle of the stairs. 
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
The picture has a dramatic look to it because of the lighting and the contrast.

I am very happy with the outcome of this picture.  It is probably my favorite photo I have taken this year.

Other (Specify)
·         ?