Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My hands and Feet

I really like this picture becasue I thought I creatively utilized hands and feet.  I wouldnt change anything about this picture.

Hands and Feet

I love how small the feet are, compared to the hands.  I can almost feel the relationship between the child and adult.

This picture conveys a very sad message, but uses the hands and feet photography well.

This shows ballet technique very nicely, and the use of only feet adds to the picture.

I like this because of the sun in the background sillhouetting the hands.

I like this picture because its sensitive.

My rule of thirds

I really like this picture because of how the sun comes in through the window, and then reflects off the wine bottle.  I possible couldve lightened the darker half of the wine bottle, but I don't think it would have the same effect.

Rule of Thirds

I like this picture because of where the bird is in the picture and how it is looking away.

I really like this picture because I love dogs, and this dog is adorable.

I like this picture because the couple is holding hands walking the opposite way, which is very touching.

I like this picture a lot because there is slight motion blur, which really adds to the picture.

I love how the lights of the city reflect off the water.

My conveying a message picture

I was really happy with this moment.  I like how it froze the moment when the puddle splashed up.  I wouldnt want to change anything about this picture.

Conveying a message

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This photo captured my eye because it conveys a message of love.

This captured my eye because it creatively shows "happiness"

This captured my eye because it conveys friendship and the act of caring.

This conveys a message of the relationship between "man and dog".  Also it shows that they are having a good time.

This conveys a message of the love between and mom and her child.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jim Brandenburg photos

Wolf Running Through Snow.

Why Jim did his project

"In autumn I set out to make one photograph - one single exposure---each day for 90 days. I hoped with patience and endurance to renew my vision of the natural world." -Jim Brandenburg.  He did this project to rejuvinate his love for nature photography.

Jim Brandenburg- my favorite photo

My favorite photo by Jim Brandenburg is 'wilderness loons' I love how the island looks on the lake, and the loon flapping its wings.  Also, the sunrise/sunset looks majestic in the background.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Critique of my Depth of Field photos

My  first depth of field picture was of the fence at the tennis courts in my neighborhood.  I was very happy with how this picture turned out!  My second picture was of the dock and the lake in the background.  I thought I could have made the background a little more focused but overall, I was very happy with these two photos

Long Depth of Field

This photo had a smaller aperature, such as, f/16
This picture also had a small aperature.
All three of these photos had a small aperature thus giving them a greater depth of field.

Shallow Depth of Field pictures

This photo had a large aperature such as f/2
This photo also had a wider aperature.
All three of these photos had a shallow depth of field because they had a wider aperature.

Critique of My Line Photos

My first line picture is of pearl necklaces of a mall.  I like that there are shapes repeating.  It could have had less distracting elements in the background, but othere than that I was happy overall with the picture.  My second picture was of the lake.  I was pleased with how the ripples in the water turned out.  I should have made the detail in the trees stand out more.

5 Line Pictures

I like this picture because railroad tracks generally attract my eye.
Also the lines lead my eyes to a spot in the picture.

I like the beach picture because the lines lead into the ocean which looks pretty cool.

I like this picture because it is in focus at first then goes out of focus.      

I like this picture because the lines lead my eyes to a spot toward the back of the photo.

Critique of My motion images

My first motion image is my dog running for a ball.  I was really happy with the image because the timing was great, and it had a slightly blurred background.  I probably could have used a slower shutter speed to blur the background more though.  My second image was a friend jumping into a pool.  Again, my timing was great, but the image turned out darker than I wanted.  The action was frozen with no blur so I was happy with that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blurred Movement

Blurred Movement:

A slower shutter speed was used for this picture, maybe 1/60

A slow shutter speed was used. Possibly, 1/20

A slow shutter speed was used for this picture.

Frozen Movement

Frozen Movement:

A fast shutter speed was used...maybe 1/1000

A faster shutter speed was used such as 1/500

A fast shutter speed was used.  Maybe 1/2000

Textbook Image

I like this image because of the motion and panning.  I can use this technique when shooting people playing in sports.  Since I play soccer, I can try and use the panning technique when the players are running.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Map of my Neighborhood

This is a house of my neighborhood!
Things I would like to photograph:
1. Garland's house:P
2. Our lake
3. tennis courts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

East River Divers

The first word that comes to mind when viewing this picture is exhilarating.  This word is visually connected to the photo because in the photo, there are three kids cliff diving!  In the image the kids that are diving create nice lines.  In the background you also see a faded bridge over the east river, which creates a nice effect.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pictures I'd Like To Take

1.Soccer Pictures(action)...for blurred I would use a slower shutter speed, and to freeze the action I would use a fast shutter speed, like 2000th of a second.
2.Nature pictures...I enjoy being outside!
3.A body of Water...I could use a fast shutter speed to freeze moving water(like a waterfall)
4.Sunset...I would probably use a slower shutter speed to let in more light, since itll generally be darker out.
5.Star picture...I would use a superrrr slow shutter speed so I could see them move in the picture.
6.People pictures...I haven't taken very many pictures of people so I'd like to take some..shutter speed depends on what they are doing.
7.Homecoming pictures..Homecoming is coming so it'll be a good opportunity to take pictures! the winter, hopefully it'll snow a lot so I can get a few good pictures
9.Rain..I love rain, so I'd like to get pictures when its raining.
10.Formal events/Family pictures...i want to get some pictures of people all dressed up(specifically my family)

Camera and Enlarger Parts

These are the parts of a camera

These are the parts of an enlarger

Thinking Like an Artist

Learning to think like an artist means: Looking at things more closely than most people do
Finding beauty in everyday things and situations
Making new connections between different things and ideas
Going beyond ordinary ways of thinking and doing things
Looking at objects in different ways in order to generate new perspectives
Taking risks and exposing yourself to possible failure
Arranging items in new and imaginative ways
Working hard and at the edge of your potential
Persisting where others may give up
Concentrating your effort and attention for long periods of time
Dreaming and fantasizing
Using old ideas to create new ones
Doing something simply because it’s interesting and personally challenging to do

~In my mind, thinking like an artist means being creative!