Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Film 13 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ____Film Roll 13- Ambiguous Portraits_______________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I used a 2.5 filter to add contrast to the photograph. 

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
The fence creates parallel lines throughout the picture.  The cows body is rule of thirds as well as the dog’s even though their faces meet in the middle.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
A happy mood is created with this photograph because a cow and dog are touching noses.


I’m very happy I captured this moment.  I’m happy with the picture overall.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Film 8 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of _______Film Roll 8- Hand Coloring_____________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes)

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I used rule of thirds in this photograph as well as a somewhat unique angle.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
I zoomed in on the subject, and used rule of thirds.  There were also lines with the railing.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
There is a calm but mysterious mood in this photograph.  It also kind of has an antique look.


I am happy with this photograph, but kind of wish I had burned in the lower right hand corner.  It is lighter than I would’ve liked.

Other (Specify)
·         ?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Photographs I like #10

This is another photograph by Jim Brandenburg.  I love that the wolf's face is framed by the trees.  I also like the contrast in this photo.  I like the mysteriousness of only half of the wolf's face showing.  The lines from the trees automatically draw my eye to the wolf.  This photograph is another reason why I like Jim Brandenburg's photography.

Photographs I like #9

THis photograph was taken by Jim Brandenburg.  My photography teacher introduced us to Brandenburg's photography last year, and ever since, he has been one of my favorite photographers.  I like this photo for multiple reason.  First of all, the calm water allows an amazing reflection of the trees.  Secondly, I like that the right half of the picture is darker while the left is illuminated.  Lastly, I like that the tip of the boat does not interfere with the edge of the water or the reflections.

Photographs I like #8

This photo was taken by Alan Ross, an assistant of Ansel Adams.  This photo uses rule of thirds and has great contrast.  Also, I like how many layers there are in the photograph.  Similar to Adams, Ross inspires me with his amazing landscape photographs.  He is able to capture mood in his pictures.

Photographs I like #7

This photo captured my eye the second I saw it.   This photograph was taken by David Doubilet.  The lines from the sun create divine appearance in the water.  I like that the seals in the back are dark and silhouetted by the sun.  Also I like how the light is right on the face of the subject.  In addition, rule of thirds is utilized.

Photographs I like #6

This photograph was taken by Michael Nichols.  The reason I like this picture is because of the monkey's eyes.  They have light in them giving him a glow.  I also like how blurry the background is compared to the subject's face.  Although the subject is in the very center of the photograph, it gives it an interesting look.